Project Description

During the project, SOLID:

  • Developed the project work plan that specified project requirements, schedule, and specific project tasks and activities.
  • Created a web-based analytical tool that was used by the team to create a database of military and federal occupations.
  • Collected and analyzed military occupational and federal jobs data required for development of crosswalk.
  • Designed, developed, and deployed the Mil2Fed website.
  • Hosted and maintained the Mil2Fed website for six months from the date of delivery and then migrated the site to DLLR.


Project History

Through a grant from the US Department of Labor, the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation (DLLR) sought to have a web based tool for transitioning service members and veterans to use to fill federal job openings created as a result of the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) initiative. In doing so, Maryland will not only tap into a talent pool of highly trained and qualified individuals to fill vacant positions, but it will provide well-paying, stable job opportunities to our Nation’s defenders. The specific goals and objectives of the DLLR Military to Federal Jobs Crosswalk were to:

  • Move qualified transitioning service members and veterans into Maryland’s BRAC jobs
  • Help transitioning service members and veterans in Maryland who will be dislocated by BRAC find suitable positions elsewhere
  • Facilitate matching qualified service members with job openings by developing an online tool that will allow service members to translate their military jobs into federal jobs

SOLID was the perfect contractor to complete this project since we:

  • Have an in-depth familiarity with military and federal occupational classification schemes;
  • Have the technical capability to design and develop the DLLR site and its underlying database.

Research and Analysis

Primary Duties

SOLID provided turnkey services required to develop the analysis methodology and database tools for comparing military and federal occupations; and the development and rollout of the public facing website. SOLID’s primary duties included:

  • Developed a detailed project work plan which documented all project tasks and activities, and provided the schedule for accomplishing the project tasks. The project work plan included detailed information on data sources and structure as well as website requirements and specifications.
  • Developed a Web-Based analysis tool that was used by our team to create a database of Military and Federal occupation data.
  • Collected data required to facilitate the development of crosswalk to include military occupational data and federal jobs data. The collection and analysis of military and federal occupational classification data was key to the successful development of a military to federal jobs crosswalk tool. Our approach utilized to complete this analysis are as follows:
    • Collect data on Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps officer and enlisted military occupational specialties.
    • Collect occupational classification data for federal jobs.
    • Analyze data to link appropriate military occupations to federal jobs.
    • Create database containing military and federal data and establish appropriate linkages.
  • Designed and developed the public facing Mil2Fed website. The website contains a crosswalk which allows transitioning service members and veterans to input their military occupation code to find associated federal jobs. The Military to Federal Jobs crosswalk will be:
    • Intuitive to use and easily navigable
    • Specifically designed to meet user audience needs
    • Compatible with all major browsers and browser versions
    • Compliant with federal Section 508 standards, allowing improved access for individuals with disabilities
  • Customized the look and feel of the Mil2Fed website to match an existing Maryland DLLR website.
  • Deployment the Mil2Fed website and hosted / maintained the site for a period of six months after the date of delivery. Then migrating the site over to Maryland DLLR servers.

Team Roles

SOLID has served as the prime contractor for this project.


SOLID achieved the following results:

  • Developed a fully functional web prototype that was not originally part of the scope of the feasibility assessment.
  • Developed detailed requirements for a comprehensive web-based career guidance tool that can be used for full project implementation upon availability of funding.